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Frauenheilkunde Zentrum Heidelberg Pränataldiagnostik

Frauenheilkunde Zentrum Heidelberg Pränataldiagnostik

Max-Reger-Straße 5-7, 69121 Heidelberg
Max-Reger-Straße 5-7, 69121 Heidelberg

Professional and careful

Professional and careful

Services offered

Services offered

For gynecological treatments, we offer a variety of services, including routine check-ups, preventive measures, and various therapies. Our highly qualified medical professionals ensure that you feel well-cared for. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to make precise diagnoses and perform effective treatments. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible gynecological care.

Prenatal Diagnosis
Prenatal Diagnosis

Malformation exclusion in singleton pregnancy

Examinations during pregnancy to detect possible malformations or genetic disorders

3D/4D ultrasound

All sonographic services regarding a number of different issues in pregnancy

First trimester diagnostics

First trimester screening (certified according to FMF) and early organ screening in the 1st trimester

Preeclampsia screening

Preeclampsia screening

2nd trimester of pregnancy

2nd screening - organ screening (19 - 22 weeks of pregnancy) certified according to DEGUM 2

Genetic diagnostics

NIPT (non-invasive prenatal tests) with services according to the GenDG

3rd trimester of pregnancy

3rd screening

Malformation exclusion of twins

Care of twin pregnancies and high-risk pregnancies

Doppler sonography

Doppler ultrasound of the fetal and maternal vessels for specific questions

Fetal echocardiography

Fetal echocardiography

Amniocentesis / chorionic villus sampling

Invasive diagnosis: Amniocentesis AC (amniocentesis) and chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

How to find us

Centrally located in Heidelberg and easy to reach

Our centrally located clinic in the heart of Heidelberg is equally easy to reach by car or public transport. We provide comprehensive healthcare services for all ages. With modern technology and skilled staff, we offer diverse medical treatments and prioritize patient comfort. Choose us for exceptional care. Visit us soon and let us be your healthcare partner.

Max-Reger-Straße 5-7, 69121 Heidelberg


Working hours


09:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 13:00

Insights into our gynaecological practice

Your prenatal diagnosis in Heidelberg.

We deliver the highest quality care. The physicians and staff at the Prenatal Diagnosis Center have the special expertise necessary to make sure both you and your baby get the best possible care during your pregnancy. The center provides specialized services and testing, comprehensive screening, fetal assessment and genetic counseling to help you and your physician better understand your pregnancy. Tests includes level II ultrasounds, amniocentesis, integrated screening test and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). We have designed our modern rooms so that examinations can take place in a relaxed, manageable atmosphere.
